poor performers. . . UNITE!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Missed connectionS
That's how I feel about Seattle summers. Hence the reason I haven't written in a while.
I've tried to be good about soaking up the summer... Relishing in the fact that for a few short months, I don't have to take vitamin D supplements. And even though I knew the Seattle DEATH was coming, I tried not to think about it.
Well it's here, and now I have to think about it.
I still struggle with the Seattle mentality every day. Wearing sweats and flip-flops in public, taking ones time crossing the street, crazy stupid drunk people in Belltown... And while I'm starting to get used to it, I in no way understand it or feel at home here.
So I put my energy and effort into making good use of my time here. Teaching. Gigging. Singing. Making connections as much as I can... Although how does one make connections whilst being self-employed?
I keep getting frustrated at the fact that I don't get featured in the stranger... Or in Capitol hill blog.... But, I work out of my home, and hardly have time to leave!
So this is the dilemma of the winter... Always.... Get out.
Anyway... If you know anybody I should know, let me know :)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One of the keys to surviving the dark, miserable Seattle winter, is that you have to remember to leave your apartment sometimes.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
the waiTing gaMe
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
HolidaY fuNk
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Can anyone help me out?
I am a full-time professional performer (that means I get PAID and MAKE A LIVING for the work that I do. . . ) but due to the recent craigslist phenomena of people asking for free services (and my fellow performers actually DOING it) I have fallen on some hard times. You see, there is not quite enough paid work to go around, and since there are several artists out there diminishing the integrity and pay scale of all local performers, I am finding it difficult to pay the bills.
So I've decided to ask you craigslist people, so obsessed with free stuff, to send some my way.
Here are a few things I really need, but cannot pay for. . .
a haircut
dog food
wall art
Don't forget. . . anyone who is able donate their time to me will get great exposure, a stellar revue on yelp, and ridiculed in my blog.
Thank you.